It all started when Jahz was three (3) years old. She asked, "Mom, can you put me inside the TV?"
After lots of explaining why cartoons aren't real and why the same face is in different shows with different names, Jahz now had vocabulary to express what she wanted.
"I want to be an actress. I want to be a super hero, hairstyling fashion girl and I want to show people how to do their hair."
Dad noticed her effervescence and ease with which she spoke to strangers. Her parents decided to help her pursue her passions and live her dream. Mom manages her website and socials. Dad helps her to develop her confidence.
Jahz is not all passion. She's extremely intelligent and hard working. Jahz entered Junior Kindergarten already reading and adding. Jahz is homeschooled by Mom and maintains herself a grade ahead of her age group. Jahz loves learning! After launching her acting career and establishing a storefront boutique for her jewelry, she hopes to be a geologist and continue exploring her love of rocks!
When she isn't head first into a book, or watching all her favourite shows on the weekend, she's in cooking class, volleyball, basketball, coding, tae kwon do, piano, guitar and many other of the activities she loves. Most of all, you'll find her lost in another world as she throws herself into drawing, lego or making jewelry.
Chat with this kid yourself and you will quickly be drawn into her magnetic personality and whisked away through the twists and turns of her imagination.